Thessaloniki, Greece (19-24 September 2023)
The People’s Health Movement (PHM), through its International People’s Health University (IPHU), organized for the European region a six-day short course on “Struggle for Health” from 19-24 September 2023. The course was in association with the Conference of the International Association of Health Policy in Europe (IAHPE) that was held in Thessaloniki, Greece from 21 to 24 September 2023. The course was implemented jointly with the International Association of Health Policy in Europe and the Laboratory of Primary Health Care and Health Services Research of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Medical Department.
Course resources
Social determination_reading list.pdf
(105.63 Ko)
Announcement file
(182.13 Ko)
Program File
(52.83 Ko)
Online section
In-person section
Day2_slides global governance IPHU.pdf
(3.07 Mo)
(221.76 Ko)
Day3_SDOH_IPHU Thessaloniki 2023.pdf
(30.03 Mo)
(1.4 Mo)