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Anneleen De Keukelaere

Anneleen De Keukelaere has a background in social
development, psychology and anthropology. Currently she is working for the
global secretariat of the PHM in Cape Town, responsible for the Health for All
Campaign focusing on movement building . 
She was part of the International Organising Committee of the Third
People’s Health Assembly and coordinated activities of the Local Organising Committee.
Before her activity at PHM, she gained experience working in Africa and Asia for
several Ngo’s and Social Movements such as Caraes vzw, EFD (Education for
Development), FOS, ILIRG (International Labour and Research Group) and COFTA
(Cooperation for Fair Trade in Africa). During her time in Belgium she was involved
with youth work in the union and was part of many anti war civil society

South Africa